Інга Подолян
Досвід: більше 20 років
Міжнародна кваліфікація: CELTA (2010), TKT (2018, 2019)
Спеціалізація: загальна англійська, бізнес англійська, дорослі, корпоративний сегмент

Well, first of all it is because it runs in my family as my mom and granny were teachers. So even in my primary school years I knew all along exactly what I wanted to become. My motto is teach yourself while teaching others. My trade gets me lots of opportunities to learn something new, to always strive for excellence. The joy of sharing your knowledge with others, of committing yourself wholeheartedly to others, of seeing the success of your efforts invested in your students is the most satisfying experience for any teacher.